What Buffalo Trace Is Selling Today And Predictions For Tomorrow, October 12, 2021

Buffalo Trace’s gift shop release for Monday, October 11, 2021, was W.L. Weller Special Reserve, according to the Buffalo Trace Distillery product availability site.

W.L. Weller Special Reserve was the 3rd odds on favorite from yesterday’s blog post.

This item is eligible for purchase if you haven’t purchased the same bottle since Sunday, July 11, 2021, under with the Buffalo Trace three month rule.

(Scroll down to see tomorrow’s odds)

W.L. Weller Special Reserve
Gift Shop Price $30.00 Plus Tax

Buffalo Trace’s gift shop release odds for Tuesday, October 12, 2021:

E.H. Taylor, Jr. Small Batch41.04%
Eagle Rare33.13%
Sazerac Rye10.50%
W.L. Weller Special Reserve4.25%
Single Oak Project0.00%

Below is a summary of Buffalo Trace’s last seven limited releases for reference. Click on 2021 Gift Shop Release by Date under the Limited Release Data dropdown menu on the homepage for a full view of all the releases for the year.

10/05/21TuesdayE.H. Taylor, Jr. Small Batch
10/07/21ThursdayEagle Rare
10/08/21FridaySazerac Rye
10/09/21SaturdayW.L. Weller Special Reserve
10/11/21MondayW.L. Weller Special Reserve

E.H. Taylor, Jr. Small Batch hasn’t been released in the past six days making it the odds on favorite for tomorrow.

Odds have been adjusted to include Sazerac Rye as an ongoing release.

The odds are calculated using historical data and are not a guarantee. We want to encourage everyone to visit the Buffalo Trace Distillery even if the bottle they wish for  isn’t the odds on favorite for that day.

Thank you for visiting, we hope you find this site fun and useful!

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